May 17, 2018

Book Review: You Can Achieve More: Live By Design, Not By Default by Shiv Khera

Title: You Can Achieve More
Author: Shiv Khera
Publisher: Bloomsbury India
ISBN: 978-9386349064
Pages: 296
Genre: Self Help
Source: Flipkart Review Program
Rating: 4/5

If you want to stand out, then you need to do something outstanding, stated by Shiv Khera, an author and motivational speaker.  He recently launched his new book you can achieve more under Bloomsbury publication.

With a strong message this book put readers onto the journey of inner self. Although, Shiv Khera has already marked a tremendous reach in this genre before, yet this book give you an insight to work on your life in an interesting way.

According to publisher, they have sold around four million copies of Khera’s You Can Win into sixteen different languages. Now Author comes with another work of wisdom—You Can Achieve More: Live By Design, Not By Default.

Basically this book talks about three pillars of life which need to be strengthenHealth, wealth and good relationships. If any one of the three goes missing, it would be hard to imagine a happy world around us. In this book Khera studies lives of many successful people and tried to decode the way leads to achievements.

With 23 chapters, this book covers topics that resonate with every person’s life. You can find many books about self help but this book you can achieve more effectively helps in learning not only the principals of success, but also in avoiding mistakes, it works like a mentor in life and helps in developing confidence with a rewarding path.

Sometimes, we feel left out in the race called life, I think this book can be your support system on that we can rely. Book is written in such talkative language it seems you are meeting with your trustworthy friend. And you really want to hear his life experiences, and share your own meanwhile. It feels really relatable to know about some famous personalities and the way they cope up things and emerged as a winner.

You can’t read this book in one sitting, this is not a capsule of success but it requires a practice, a slow reading on a daily basis. Best thing about this book is, it might work as a magic but it won’t ask you to take an appointment first.

Khera Says:

Most people see opportunities, but very few seize themOften one of the most painful moments of our life is when an opportunity knocks on our door and we find ourselves unprepared.

If you are not willing to pay the price for success, then whether we like it or not, we will have to pay the price for failure, a price has to be paid, no matter what.

We need to cleary understand that success does not only depend upon special skills, formal education or superior intelligence.

Achievement do not come by default, they are first learnt and then practiced.

Life is funny, for as long as we are alive, we keep learning how to live life.  

When something bad happens, it can break you, define you or strengthen you.

Don’t make your mind a dumping ground for someone else’s trash.

Achievers realize pride in performance is not an act = it is a way of life.

Achievement lies in practicing excellence in the smallest details.

The different between doing right and doing almost right is same as the difference between being dead and almost dead, almost is not good enough. Nobody at the Olympics gets a gold medal for 99 percent achievement. Almost done is not done.

It’s a moral obligation for every honorable person to be prosperous because money in good hands does good and money in evil hands does evil.

All in all, this book doesn’t preach you like other books of this genre, but it gives you a different perspective to live a life. With logical explanations it encourages you like a mentor, and inspires you to do work towards excellence, nothing less.

If I have to select my favourite chapters from this book then I would suggest Invest in Yourself, Choose Character, Finding Balance, Pride in Performance, The Wisdom Truth.

About Author
SHIV KHERA is the founder of Qualified Learning Systems USA. An Author, Educator, Business Consultant and a successful Entrepreneur, he is a much sought-after speaker.
He inspires and encourages individuals to realize their true potential. He has taken his dynamic personal messages to opposite sides of the globe, from the U.S. to Singapore. His 30 years of research & understanding has put organizations on a path of growth and fulfillment.
He is the author of 15 books including the international bestseller "You Can Win", which has sold over 3.7 million copies in 21 languages. His other books are creating new records.