March 24, 2016

किताब समीक्षा: मोहभंग के बाद – शिशिर सोमवंशी

टाईटल: मोहभंग के बाद
लेखक: शिशिर सोमवंशी
पब्लिकेशन: किताब महल
शैली: कविता संग्रह
पृष्ठ: 106
स्त्रोत: लेखक
ISBN: 9788122507812
रेटिंग: 5/5

संवेदनहीनता की ओर निरंतर अग्रसर हमारी सामाज़िक व्यवस्था में कविताएँ ऐसा माध्यम है जहाँ हम कुछ देर के लिए ही सही खुद से, अपने आप से मिल पाते हैं। कविताएँ लिखना ज़ितना आसान हैं...अच्छी कविताएँ लिखना उतना ही मुश्किल। अपने अंदर छुपे हुए इंसान से मिलवाती हैं ये कविताएँ, अपनी वास्तविकता को अपनाने का, उससे पुरजोर प्यार करने का अवसर देती हैं..साहस देती हैं।

गत सप्ताह शिशिर सोमवंशी जी की नवरचना मोहभंग के बाद पढ़ने का अवसर मिला। 55 कविताओं का यह संग्रह उनकी पहली किताब है लेकिन उनके लिखने की शैली, अहसासों को सतही शब्दों से परे जाकर एक क्षण में बांधने की उनकी कला, वाकई लुभाती है। एक-एक पृष्ठ को रुक रुक कर पलटा, पढ़ा, महसूस किया। एक कवि की ज़िंदगी में कुछ अपने जिए लम्हें मिल जाए तो कविता सार्थक लगती है...वही लम्हें जिन्हें हम लफ्ज़ देना भूल गए थे।

शिशिर जी की कविताएँ अपने चन्द अहसास लिए दिल में चहलकदमी करती हैं। प्रेम, विरह, मिलाप, छोटी-छोटी मुलाकातों में महकते कहे-अनकहे भाव सब कुछ इतना सुंदर था..कि पहली बार किताब को पढ़ने के दौरान कितनी ही बार तय किया कि इस कविता को दोबारा पढ़ना है..आज ही। हिन्दी भाषी जगत के लिए यह संग्रह अनमोल निधि है।

यहाँ इसी कविता-संग्रह से कुछ अंश साझा कर रही हूँ...

पुन: उदास हूँ
किंतु अपराज़ित
विकट जीवट है
ढीठ है
मेरा प्रेम
उसकी जिजीविषा।
         —   समय मुझे देना नहीं

सोचता हूँ अब तक
दिन जल्दी ढले
लौट आउँ मैं
और तुम वहीं
बाट जोहो मेरी
मेरा घर बनकर
          —    सुबह के सपने

कहने से सुनना
और सुनने से
समझ जाने में
सच है
सार्थकता है
रिश्तों में
अधूरेपन में भी
उनकी संपूर्णता है
  तुम्हारे साथ

कुछ एंकात खोज़  
कहीं पर
अपने उपर
 मरना है
कितने ही धुंधले
चेहरों से
जबरन परिचय
करना है
         —     यादों की भरपाई

कवि परिचय
पेशे से वानिकी वैज्ञानिक शिशिर सोमवंशी का बचपन कुमाउँ की रमणीक वादियों में बीता। प्रकृति के सानिध्य एवं यथार्थ की अनुभूतियों से उपजी कविताएँ यदा-कदा मुखर होती रही किंतु जीवन की व्यस्तता में सक्रिय लेखन संभव ना हो पाया। विगत कई वर्षो से शिशिर की कविताएँ नियमिल ब्लोग पर लेखन और कुछ कविताएँ पत्रिकाओं में निंरतर प्रकाशित होती रहती हैं। वर्तमान में हिन्दी-शोध-पत्रिका शोध तरू का संपादन कर रहे हैं।

शिशिर जी से जुड़िए: फेसबुक | ब्लोग | ट्वीटर 

ऑनलाईन खरीदने हेतु: Mohbhang Ke Baad 

भाग्य-रेखा : कहानी

आज बर्फी है.. वो भी दो-दो
तो क्या आज भी मंगलवार है ?
नहीं आज मंगलवार का छोटा भाई है....बुधवार
भैया, मुझे शनिवार नहीं पंसद..वो सब तेल क्यूँ चढ़ाते हैं? भगवान क्या तेल खाते है?
भगवान तो बर्फी भी नहीं खाते"
धीरे बोलो उन्हें पता लगा तो कल से चढ़ाना बंद कर देंगे
नहीं करेगे... पंडित जी ने आज खूब हाथ टटोले हैं
मुझसे तो वो बोले तेरे हाथ में कोई भाग-रेखा नहीं है
ये क्या खड़ा तेरे सामने इत्ता बड़ा...देख मुझे उपर से नीचे तक भाग-ही-भाग है...चल तुझे गन्ने का रस पिलाऊँ...आजा..!  

- अंकिता चौहान  ( आज सिरहाने का बेहद शुक्रिया..! )  

March 19, 2016

CHECKMATE - A Short Story

I know his game is almost over. 
All his players have been resting 
In the transparent box, 
Which was placed under the shadow 
Of his arms—but I have to pretend, 

I have to make a wrong move mistakenly. 
I have to make an expression 
Of “Ouch” with biting nails. 
I have to make him believe that 
He is one who knew how to play chess.

It is better to losing the game over and over
Than washing glasses in his dad’s tea shop.
This checkmate wins me..

- Ankita Chauhan 

March 16, 2016

Book Review: Stolen Hope - Ramayana (The Game of Life - Book 3)

Title: Stolen Hope - Ramayana (The Game of Life)   
Author: Shubha Vilas
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House
ISBN:  9788184958249
Genre: Mythology
Pages:  312
Rating:  4/5

The word “Ramayana” brings me back to my childhood. The old time when I would pick my father’s finger and we toured in our city during Navratras. There were colourful jhankis’ into various grounds and I didn’t know then actors, just playing respective roles, they were normal human being like me. Although I am not a hard core believer of Idolatry but I loved to dwell into mythological stories since childhood.

While I was putting my hands on this third book of Ramayana Series: The Game of Life by Shubha Vilas, I knew very moment, it would definitely be a gentle read. There was personal note by author that was heart warmer for a reader like me.


As comes to book, It starts from the brief chapter of previous books of Shubha Vilas. Though I know a bit about Ramayana but those short descriptions helped me to connect further.
Before diving into the plot, here I want to mention, you are going to get not only the story but the author’s perspective about incidents happened in that era, you would have found footnotes, interpretations that was so enlightening and should apply in our daily lives for sure. Thank You to Shubha Vilas.

On the Jacket

In the evil labyrinths of Dandakaranya forest, human values are put to test. Rama’s righteousness, Lakshmana’s loyalty and Sita’s endurance reflect our own sense of values and judgment in difficult times. The story unfolds the facets of human life – the conflict and the trickery, the praise and the slander and, above all, the hope and the despair in the eventful forest life of the Exiled Royals.

Stolen Hope is about extreme deception and extreme love. It is about arrogant power and deep devotion. With every twist and turn, Rama, Sita and Lakshmana find themselves robbed of whatever and whoever they value most. 

Exploring the dynamics of human relations – between father and son, husband and wife, teacher and disciple – and the complex game of power and greed, Stolen Hope mirrors our own dilemmas in the modern world and teaches us how we must overcome them. 

Seek courage when everything, including hope, is stolen.


The beginning of the chapters based on the history of Dandkaranya forest, Where Lord Rama had spent few time of his exile with Sita and his brother Lakshamana. There was an incident— Araja, daughter of Shukracharya had been severely devastated by King Danda. And whole jungle was being cursed by Shukracharya because of Danda’s misdeed.
After years, Rama arrived here to change the fate of jungle. This book covered many encounters with rakshashas and sensible meetings of Rama with sages for instance— the part of Agastya description enthralled us to read more. Involvement of Surpanakha and abduction of Sita, and How Shabri treated their guest portrayed beautifully.    


When it comes to writing style, Must say author transformed a hard read into an easy going story. You can connect easily with characters, I sensed that the picture while reading it, somewhat like a play at the theater.
Book contains physical more than that emotional journey of Rama and Sita. Author didn’t forget to explore the character of Lakshamana with such a sensible view. There were few different incidents I have not aware about them before. I didn’t know a bit about Eighteen Curses of Ravana,earlier. With upright narration author wins the heart.


We can adapt that’s the only way we evolved. Here Author raised a many questions while approaching the epic tale. As under the section of “Science of Giving Feedback”

1. Does one have the right authority to give the feedback?
2. Even if one has the right authority, does one have the right motive to give a feedback?
3. Even if one has the right authority and motive, is it the right time, place and circumstance to give the feedback?

Third Chapter of “Stolen Hope” — Still Water Runs Deep, tells us about the Panchvati where Rama spend last few years of his exile. And that was most enigmatic part of the book.

Plus In “a wounded witness” I could explore the fierce battle between Rama and Jatayu, The story behind the river Kaveri, the short view about the marriage of Ravana and Mandodari, Khara and Their Fourteen Thousand soldiers. Why snakes have bi-bifurcated tongue.  There is so much to tell about the book but Reading would be more fun. Go for It, If you are interested to read a refreshing tale of Ramayana.

Reader’s Moment

Here, I am presenting, keen observation of human behavior in author’s words, truly reservoir of serene thoughts —

  • Difficulties are nature’s speed-breakers that prevent us from driving too fast in life to be able to gratefully appreciate the beauty it has to offer.
  • By acceptance, pain transforms into will power to fly and by non-acceptance into a helpless cocoon to die.
  • In expecting big chunks of happiness at one shot, we forgot to relish little packets of opportunities that come in regularly.
  • Words cause mental wounds that don’t heal with time, heal with timely love.
About The Author
A spiritual seeker and a motivational speaker, he believes "A good teacher sees learning and teaching as integral twin aspects of personal and spiritual growth." He has been  involved in many Leadership seminars: Focus on relevant and vital themes: "secrets of Lasting Relationship" "Soul Curry to Stop Worry" and "work-Life-Balance" This is his third book of Ramayana Series.  

Connect with him : Twitter | Facebook | Blog 

March 11, 2016

Book Review: Savoir-Faire by Ashwini Dodani

Title: Savoir Faire
Author: Ashwini Dodani
Publisher: Inkhorn Publishing India  
Genre: Art, Poetry, Fiction
ISBN: 9788193194027
Source: Author
Pages: 74
Rating: 4/5

Poetry is the essence of life. And reading a poetry book is something when I want to remain silent with a whispering heart. Poetry is not mere collection of words but a pure emotion piercing into heart—sometimes it’s painful yet relieving.  

The moment, I received the “Savoir-Faire by Ashwini Dodani” can’t describe in words. It happens when you reading the person since years and suddenly you got piece of his soul into your hands, you get overwhelmed. Much Thanks Mr.Poet for the book.

When it comes to book, I’m telling you— Ashwini painted a world for his readers with inspiration, smile, love, tears, solitude and few beautiful pauses. While reading each and every poem, I stopped for a moment and tried to savour the exact flavor of the emotion.  
In few poems, I could perceive the whole picture, poet portrayed into words… while few poems were just compilation of aliveness.

Here I want to specify, you hardly found poetry where every word exists because it has to. When I was reading the poems of Savoir-Faire, it was like —this line something else, ok this one.. No…this one is better. But that was best.

It would be injustice to select just one favorite poem, so here I am picking some favorite emotions from this treasure.

It makes you travel a different world,
A journey seen through pair of eyes,
Held hands and clasped beliefs,
Is this love or just a leap?
        —    Love

Build yourself, hold a little
None is going to stand for thee
Bear the pain, cry out hard
You shall strive, and shall survive..
         —    Broke

Solitude might be bliss, silence isn’t
Wake up from the dream of ignorance,
Go tell them today.
How much they matter, before it’s late…
         —     Communication

Not a trade off, not a deal,
Love is nothing but moments drenched of care.
         —    Slave of love

You write down in words your silence
You breathe silence and come back inked.
         —    Eyes

How I want to share my all pickings of the book but can’t and I won’t because some words to be treasured silently.
Two poems, I have not shared is ‘She’ and ‘That Beautiful Kohl Eyed Girl’. Just Beyond the words. The Collection of these 40 poems, Worth your every moment.  Do The Write Thing. Go For It.

About Author
He loves poetry and words. Social Media is his favorite space to explore, network and connect. He thinks, it’s always good to gather new insights and learn more every single day.

Connect to Poet: 

March 05, 2016

Strong Roots - A Short Story

“The wind cannot defeat a tree with strong roots” He paused running frames and his eyes glued to the screen. He was watching ‘The Revenant’ that day.
For entertainment, right?  
As to genre it was adventure. Then what happened, why did his eyes become gloomy, why did reminiscences of past started playing in his head? How did Inarritu knew the same earthy language? And he thought his grandpa was rustic…a bumpkin fellow.
Cold flashes stuck on the core of his eyes in a form of drop. Instantly, he searched for next train timings, which was going to his village, to his fields, to his roots. 

- Ankita Chauhan     

वक्त के साथ-साथ..

रोज़ सुनता हूँ
राह चलते मुसाफिरों से
वक़्त बदल गया है..
लोग बदल गए है

कभी कभी उनपर यकीन हो आता है
कहीं मैं भी तो नहीं बदल गया... 

लेकिन कुछ लम्हें, बार-बार मन की मुंडेर पर दस्तक देते हैं
लम्हें जिनमें कुछ यारियाँ बसी हैं
कुछ बचपन बसा है
कहीं हंसी खनकती है
तो कहीं यारों की बातें..

एक अरसे बाद उनका मिलना 
यकीन दिला देता है,
कि इस ‘बदले हुए कुछ’ को भी 
बेहद खूबसूरती से जी लेगें,
अगर यारियाँ साथ हो..

- अंकिता चौहान