June 01, 2015

Review : The Library at Night by Alberto Manguel

Title: The Library at Night
Author: Alberto Manguel
Publication: Vintage Books
Genre: Historical Non-Fiction
Pages: 241
Source: Kindle edition
Rating: 5/5

“Who better than Alberto Manguel, that globetrotting, multilingual citizen of the world … to pay homage to the library as the centre of civilization? … The Library at Night is filled with odd combinations, unexpected transitions and wandering scraps of esoterica with aphorisms appearing as signposts along the way…. This book is utterly sensitive to the experience of reading…. Manguel, in this and his other books, comes off as quite the raconteur.” (Lines taken from a newspaper)

I haven’t read much yet so it is needless to say anything about The Alberto Manguel’s work.  But this book gives you a new perspective to see the world of libraries. Books are not just a compilation of few papers; they carry lives, energy and divinity.

Alberto Manguel is an Argentine born Canadian anthologist, novelist. He actually celebrated his journey with books along with their authors. The way he told us about the history of libraries, about medieval Arab authors, Canadian novelists, Montaigne towers and exquisite pictures. Here I want to share a thought that it is not embodied of some kind of story that you finished and marked as read. It’s a process to know more about human’s evolution. Every time you open the book you encountered with a different world, we shuffled from one library to another along with author.

Literally it made me teary- eyed when Manguel, The Author described the pain of burning books not a single book but a whole library I mean such a barbarian act, because you couldn’t control them physically you just made them mentally slave by burning the books, the history.  The conversational approach of Manguel left you speechless till the end.

If you are bibliophile or desired to be a one, must devour this journey of library!  Worth your time!

Few quotes I loved the most..

Every reader exists to ensure for a certain book a modest immortality. Reading is, in this sense, a ritual of rebirth.

But at night, when the library lamps are lit, the outside world disappears and nothing but this space of books remains in existence.

I like to imagine that, on the day after my last, my library and I will crumble together, so that even when I am no more I’ll still be with my books.

I have no feeling of guilt regarding the books I have not read and perhaps will never read; I know that my books have unlimited patience. They will wait for me till the end of my days.

P.s - I can’t share the whole book here. Read it , Just Read it.

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