September 23, 2024

Ten Days of Strike by Sandipan Chattopadhyay | Translated by Arunava Sinha |

Title: Ten Days of Strike
Author: Sandipan Chattopadhyay
Translator: Arunava Sinha
Publisher:  Harper Perennial India (2024)
Paperback:  344 pages
ISBN:  978-9362138224
Buy: Amazon 

“Vanish? What was that? To make something vanish was to hide it. Like making a corpse vanish. Or stolen goods. What was it that was to be made to vanish here?”

Sandipan Chattopadhyay (1933–2005), was one of the pioneers of modern Bengali literature, and among the foremost fiction writers of his time. He challenged norms and supported creative freedom, addressing class, gender, and the absurdity of life.

In the title story, Ten Days of the Strike, a middle-class family's struggle with a blocked commode serves as a powerful metaphor for social decay, intertwining the narrative with the Naxalite movement. Similarly, With Ruby in Diamond Harbour delves into the complexities of relationships, highlighting the protagonist’s discomfort in navigating love outside of marriage in a conventional society.

"Calcutta hotels ask you to disclose your identity. What is the relationship between you? If I were to say, she feels the pain when I’m hurt—the other day I stubbed my toe on a brick on the road, it wasn’t I but she who exclaimed, ‘Ooh’—so that’s our relationship, that won’t do. But no questions are asked if I were to take my wife, whom I haven’t remembered to kiss in the past four years, anywhere."

The Last Metro portrays a husband who knows about his wife's affair. He anticipates her announcement of a new relationship. His feelings of resignation and dread grow as he imagines receiving a wedding invitation instead of a face-to-face conversation. This story ends with an unsettling atmosphere. ‘It’s never a problem when things are obvious, trouble crops up when they aren’t obvious.’   

In Bijon’s Flesh and Blood, the protagonist’s morning ritual of checking himself in the mirror reveals his serious illness. The author's fresh metaphors, like “awareness enveloped his breast like the dazzling afternoon light following the rain,” enhance the emotional depth.

Chattopadhyay opens some stories with striking lines, such as in The Revolution and Rajmohan, where the protagonist considers suicide but hasn’t found a revolver. This artful initiation draws readers in immediately.

Each story evokes deep emotions, except Banabehari and I and Meerabai. I struggled to connect with these characters. And, the most powerful story, Slave Man, Slave Woman, captures a haunting moment with a woman wrapped in a white shawl. The prose is rich and evocative, exploring profound observations about human connection.

Chattopadhyay’s stories stand out for their originality and diverse narratives. Arunava Sinha’s translation from Bengali deserves praise, for bridging languages and cultures.

An original voice of Indian literature. A worth-read.


About the Author:

Sandipan Chattopadhyay was one of the pioneers of the Hungryalist movement. His first collection of short stories, Kritadas Kritadasi (1961), is credited with changing the landscape of Bengali fiction and was immensely influential in other Indian languages as well. He was awarded the 1995 Bankim Puraskar and the 2002 Sahitya Academy Award for his work.


About the Translator: 

Arunava Sinha translates classic, modern and contemporary Bengali fiction, non-fiction and poetry from India and Bangladesh into English. More than eighty of his translations have been published so far across various countries, including India, UK, USA and Australia. He teaches translation and creative writing at Ashoka University in India, and is co-director, Ashoka Centre for Translation.



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September 29, 2023

Janice Pariat's Everything The Light Touches | On the longlist of JCB Prize for Literature (2023)

Title: Everything That Light Touches
Author: Janice Pariat
Publisher: HarperCollins India (2023)
Genre: Literature, Nature
ISBN: 978-9356291393
Hardcover: 512 Pages
Buy the book: Amazon 

In Janice Pariat's book, "Everything the Light Touches," she seamlessly blends research with imagination across centuries. The narrative delves into the lives of four individuals: Shai, Evelyn, Johann (Goethe), and Carl, whose journeys are interconnected like the roots of an ancient Banyan tree.

In her previous work, "Nine Chambered Heart," Pariat employed a unique narrative technique, recounting the girl's story through various characters, including teachers, lovers, and flatmates. In "Everything the Light Touches," she continues with this approach, using multiple perspectives, to enrich the narrative.

The central character of the story is Shai, a woman in her thirties. The book begins with Shai's journey as she prepares to fly from Delhi airport to her hometown, Meghalaya—a place seemingly forgotten by its own country. ‘We land in a place that falls off the map. So far east in this vast country that it feels not of this country anymore.’ 

While each of us must eventually return to our origins, Shai is concerned about her family and community.

Pariat in an interview: We live in a world of very unequal stories, where someone like Karl Linnaeus will be known but somebody from a small little corner of India's northeast, who might have the same amazingly profound ideas about our relationship to the natural world, will quite easily be dismissed. It was very important for me to place these stories also on the same plane, so that Goethe and Linnaeus exist amidst all of these other characters who are equally valid, equally important.

Pariat excels at crafting multi-dimensional characters, and it's the small details that breathe life into her work. For instance, when Shai reunites with her mother, Pariat vividly describes the encounter, ‘it’s been less than a year since I’ve seen her—in which secret hours did she age? When I hug her, though, she smells familiar, of wool and naphthalene and hand cream…’

The narrative then shifts to Evelyn, deeply passionate about botany, and less interested in conventional life. Frustrated by the lack of academic opportunities in England, she embarks on a journey to India, to explore the Himalayan flora and fauna.

One of the most innovative chapters belongs to Carl. Pariat fearlessly experiments with storytelling in this section, incorporating approximately 40 micro-poems that are both lyrical and comforting. These poems range from one-liners to free verses, with "How to Hunt a Bear" consisting of just three words: "Do not miss."


The peasants who reside near the cliffs or rising ground judge by the crows the approach
of bad weather; for these birds seek the marshy country before it comes on.
They say they have been reading such signs for years.   

Here, I am borrowing the words of Nilanjana Roy: Everything the Light Touches is a magnificent reminder that the natural world does not lie outside of ourselves, and that when we break trust with the earth, we break our own spirits into scattered fragments. Janice Pariat finds a new language of connection, wonder, and loss, for the songs of the earth from Lapland and Goethe's Europe to the Lower Himalayas and remote villages in India's Northeast, her stories dancing between centuries in this generous and intricate work.

As Henry Miller said, "One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." 

Janice Pariat's "Everything the Light Touches" is not just a book but a grand narrative that delves into the essence of existence, human bonds spanning ages, botanical wonders, poetic beauty, and profound discoveries. It has earned a place on the longlist of the JCB Prize for Literature in 2023.


About the Author

Janice Pariat is the author of Boats on Land: A Collection of Short Stories, Seahorse: A Novel, and the international bestseller The Nine-Chambered Heart. She was the recipient of the Young Writer Award from the Sahitya Akademi and the Crossword Book Award for Fiction in 2013. Janice's work has been translated into ten languages. She teaches at Ashoka University, and lives between New Delhi and Shillong with a cat of many names.

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September 11, 2023

सत्यजीत राय - सोने का किला । फेलूदा सीरीज़ - जासूसी उपन्यास

किताब: सोने का किला
लेखक: सत्यजीत राय
प्रकाशक: राजकमल बुक्स 
पेपरबैक: 120 पृष्ठ  

सत्यजीत राय की फेलूदा सीरीज़ से शायद ही कोई अनभिज्ञ हो। किशोर पाठकों के लिए लिखी गई यह किताब सोने का किलाएक जासूसी उपन्यास है। राजस्थान की नींव पर खड़ी यह रहस्यमयी कहानी, बीकानेर, किशनगढ़, जोधपुर, और जैसलमैर जैसी कई जगहों की संस्कृति, और अनूठे वातावरण में गुँथी है।

यह मुकुल कथा है, एक ऐसे बच्चे की कहानी जिसे अपने पिछले जन्म की बातें याद हैं। उसे सपनों में सोने का किला दिखता है, साथ ही युद्ध का मैदान और उसके पार अपना घर।

मुकुल की व्यथा को दूर करने के लिए उसे राजस्थान ले जाया जाता है। कहानी में मोड़ तब आता है जब उसके यात्रा पर निकलते ही पड़ौस में रहने वाले बच्चे को मुकुल समझकर अग़वा कर लिया जाता है। उसके पिता की विनती पर मुकुले के पीछे-पीछे एक जासूस को राजस्थान यात्रा पर भेजा जाता है, और कहानी में पदार्पण होता है, जनाब फेलूदा का, पूरा नाम प्रदोष मित्तिर। सोने का किला और उसमें ग़ढ़ा खजाना, खजाने को पाने की लालसा लिए कुछ बदमाश – पूरी कथा इन्हीं के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है। कई मकड़जाल और उनसे पार निकलते फेलूदा। यह उपन्यास हर उम्र के पाठकों के लिए है - सहज और पठनीय। किताब में बने स्कैच सत्यजीत राय ने ख़ुद उकेरे हैं।    

किताब का अंश  

“पूर्व जन्म की कथा कहने वालों का मुझे पता है। कुछेक लोग होते हैं जिन्हें हठात पूर्व जन्म की बात याद आ जाती है। उन्हें बांग्ला में 'जातिस्मर' कहते हैं। लेकिन वास्तव में पूर्व जन्म जैसा कुछ होता है ऐसा फेलूदा भी नहीं जानते हैं। फेलूदा ने चार मीनार का पैकेट खोलकर उन साहब की तरफ बढ़ाया। उन्होंने मुस्कराकर सिर हिलाया और कहा कि वे सिगरेट नहीं पीते हैं। इसके बाद वे बोले, आपको शायद याद होगा कि मेरे लड़के की उम्र आठ साल है-एक स्थान का वर्णन करता हुआ कहता है कि यह भी वहाँ गया था। लेकिन उस स्थान पर मेरा बेटा तो क्या मेरे बाप-दादे भी नहीं गए थे। कैसे गरीब-गुजरान करते हैं हम लोग यह तो आप जानते ही हैं। दुकान भी आपने देखी ही है, और इधर तो किताबों का व्यापार दिन-ब-दिन।

आपका लड़का तो एक किले की बात करता है ना?' फेलूदा ने बीच में ही उन्हें रोककर पूछा। "जी हाँ. कहता है कि सोने का किला। उस पर तोपें रखी हैं, युद्ध हो रहा है. आदमी मर रहे हैं। यह सब वह देख रहा है। वह खुद पगड़ी बाँधे ऊँट पर बैठा बालू के टीलों पर घूमता था। बालू की बात बहुत करता है। और हाँ, मोर की भी बात बताता है तथा हाथी घोड़ों की बात भी उसके हाथ पर कोहनी के पास एक दाग है जन्म से ही हम तो इसे जन्मदाग की समझते थे लेकिन वह कहता है कि एक बार मोर ने वहाँ चोंच की चोट मारी थी यह उसी का दाग है।" 

मानव कौल - रूह । कश्मीर यात्रा पर आधारित


किताब: रूह 
लेखक: मानव कौल
प्रकाशक: हिंदी युग्म
विधा: यात्रा-संस्मरण 
पेपरबैक: 175 पृष्ठ

मानव कौल की यह किताब 'रूह', कश्मीर पर लिखा गया यात्रा-संस्मरण है। यात्रा बाहरी से कहीं अधिक भीतरी। मन में चलती उठा-पठक और नॉस्टालजिया। समकालीन विषयों से इतर, यहाँ मानव की नज़र से कश्मीर दिखता है। कश्मीर जो उनका घर था, वह जिस मनोभाव से घर की दीवारों-दरवाज़ों को अपने लिखे में जीवित करते हैं, सराहनीय है।

दृश्य, जब वह बचपन में मौजूद लोगों को अपने सामने पाते हैं, सुंदर है। मानव खुद कहते हैं कि ये कश्मीर के ज़्वलंतशील मुद्दों को केंद्र में रखकर लिखी गई किताब नहीं है। यह डॉक्यूमेंटेशन है, एक ऐसे बच्चे का जिसका जीवन उस एक क्रूर हादसे ने बदल कर रख दिया।

किताब में एक अन्य पात्र, रूहानी जो पूरी यात्रा में उनके साथ है, ‘बहुत दूर कितनी दूर होता है’ में भी आप इसी तरह के पात्र से रू-ब-रू हुए होंगे। क्या ये पात्र काल्पनिक हैं? नाम भले अलग हों, लेकिन वे प्रतिरूप होने का आभास देते हैं, यह दोहराव पाठक को ज़रा विलगाता है।

अगर आप मानव कौल को पहली दफ़ा पढ़ रहे हैं तो यह किताब जादू-सी लगेगी।

ईमानदार राय रखूँ तो मानव ने जितना खुद को ‘बहुत दूर कितना दूर होता है’ में रचा है, ‘रूह’ उस उँचाई को छूने से ज़रा चूक गई। सनद रहे, इनकी किताबों के ज़रिए अनगिन हिंदी पाठक तैयार हो रहे हैं। और यह एक उपलब्धि है। किताब का एक अंश साझा कर रही हूँ -

सन् 1988 के बाद से जो भी घटा था इस वादी में, और वादी से निकल गए सारे परिवारों ने जो सहा था, उन सब लोगों की कहानियों को अगर हम सुनना शुरू करेंगे तो हमें अपनी इंसानियत पर शर्म आने लगेगी। जिस तरह बाहर रह रहे कश्मीरी पंडितों को छूते ही वे फूट पड़ते हैं, ठीक वैसे ही यहाँ रह रहे कश्मीरी मुस्लिम भी पुरानी घटनाओं पर फट पड़ते हैं। लेकिन इन सबमें पंडितों का कश्मीरी मुस्लिम और कश्मीरी मुस्लिम का पंडितों के प्रति स्नेह भाव ख़त्म नहीं हुआ है। यहाँ घूमते हुए जब भी किसी को पता चलता है कि मैं पंडित हूँ, ठीक उसी वक़्त से हमारी बातचीत में एक अपनापन आ चुका होता है। 'इसे सब पता है' वाला एक भाव दोनों के संवादों में रहता है। अब जो पंडितों की नई पीढ़ी है, उसे घटनाओं की सुनी हुई जानकारी है, जिन्होंने उन घटनाओं को जिया था वे या तो बहुत बूढ़े हो चुके हैं या वे अब नहीं रहे। कश्मीरी मुस्लिम बच्चे जो उस वक़्त बड़े हो रहे थे, या जो पंडितों के बच्चे यहाँ से नहीं गए थे, उनके बचपन के जिए हुए की छाप उनके चेहरे... पर साफ़ दिखती है। 'तुम लोग तो चले गए थे, मैं इस वाक्य के पीछे का मर्म समझ सकता हूँ।

September 02, 2023

Dinesh Pathak's Mrs. Simon is Waiting and Other Stories | Translated by Sneha Pathak

Title: Mrs. Simon is Waiting and Other Stories
Author: Dinesh Pathak
Translator: Sneha Pathak
Publisher: Antika Prakashan
Genre: Fiction, Short Stories
ISBN: 978-8196206376
Paperback: 160 Pages
Buy the Book: AMAZON

In "Mrs. Simon is Waiting and Other Stories" by Dinesh Pathak, the complexities of human nature take center stage and paint a vivid picture of small-town India. With each narrative, the author brings to life the sights and sounds, weaving a mosaic of emotions.

Within these tales, characters, regardless of age or social status, grapple with universal themes such as love, loss, dreams, and resilience. Amidst the chaos of life, these stories offer solace through their honest depiction of everyday experiences. Whether it's a father's quest for a suitable suitor for his daughter or an elderly man's poignant recollections of enduring love, these narratives provoke introspection.

The first story, "Homecoming," revolves around a young man facing parental disapproval due to his unemployment. He resists the idea of mundane clerical work, but fate has other plans, leading to an unexpected twist.

Simplicity is the essence of this collection. Each story serves as a window, offering social commentary on various themes. "Siyabar Babu and the Suitable Boy" delves into the societal ill of dowry demands, and how sacred bonds become transactions. Pathak introduces a diverse array of characters, each portrayed with their flaws and virtues. These characters come alive on the page, drawing readers into their journeys.

In "Birthday Party," a mother yearns to celebrate her son's birthday to prove their worth to neighbours, but in-laws have differing ideas, highlighting generational conflicts. Here, author presents a fresh perspective, more vividly realized than the last. His characters are not mere sketches but fully developed individuals, flawed yet relatable, all seeking meaning in their lives. 

"Mrs. Simon is Waiting" unfolds in Simon's Villa, where a homeopathic doctor offers free treatments. When tragedy strikes, the clinic's future hangs in the balance, posing questions about who will carry forward the doctor's legacy.

The stories shine through Sneha Pathak's beautiful translation, preserving the essence while making them accessible to a wider audience. Pathak's prose is both simple and profound, ensuring that readers from all backgrounds can connect with the themes presented.

"Mrs. Simon is Waiting and Other Stories" is a perfect weekend read, celebrating the art of storytelling.

About the Author

Dinesh Pathak was born in Uttarakhand in May 1950. He has been writing for close to fifty years, and his stories have appeared in all leading Hindi publications. He has published ten short-story collections and three novels. He has also edited an anthology. His stories have been translated into various Indian languages. He retired from the post of Associate Professor and now dedicates his full time to writing. 


Sneha Pathak has a PhD in English Literature and has taught at college and university level. She currently works as a freelance writer/translator. Her writings have appeared various publications such as Muse India, Purple Pencil Project, The Wise Owl Magazine, The Curious Reader etc.



P.S. Received a review copy in exchange for an honest review. 

August 25, 2023

Smoke and Ashes: A Writer’s Journey Through Opium’s Hidden Histories by Amitav Ghosh

Title: Smoke and Ashes: A Writer’s Journey Through Opium’s Hidden Histories
Author: Amitav Ghosh
Publisher: HarperCollins India, 2023
Genre: Non-Fiction, History, Culture
ISBN: 978-9356992757
Hardback: 408 Pages
Buy the Book: AMAZON

The stamp of the past sometimes sinks so deep into the fabric of everyday life that its traces are difficult, if not impossible, to erase.’  

Amitav Ghosh’s Smoke and Ashes is a blend of travel diary, life memories, and history. Ghosh explores opium's impact on Britain, India, China, and the world. This book sheds light on our intertwined history with the tea and opium trade during the 18th and 19th centuries. The British Empire pushed the opium trade, vital for survival.The impact in India was tragic. 

Seven years ago, reading "Sea of Poppies," I missed its extensive research. "Smoke and Ashes" now discloses that around twenty years ago, when Ghosh started working on the Ibis Trilogy, he was surprised to discover that the lives of the sailors were influenced by a valuable thing they carried - opium. Along with, its surprising connection to his family's history. 

The blurb says Moving deftly between horticultural histories, the mythologies of capitalism, and the social and cultural repercussions of colonialism, Smoke and Ashes reveals the pivotal role one small plant has played in the making of the world as we know it - a world that is now teetering on the edge of catastrophe.  

Ghosh's memoir links his ancestry to opium's influence. His father's tales from Bihar, show opium's dual force: – both destructive and life-giving. Ghosh writes, that in the East, the British ran a heavy-handed Opium Department, all under its thumb, dictating planting, auctions, and farmers' pay.

Smoke and Ashes, highlights the collective memory and recognizes our role in shaping of cultural history. The account travels globally – from Mumbai's Parsis, then to China's artisans, weavers, and potters in bustling Guangzhou.  

‘Had eastern travellers entered the home of a poppy farmer, they would have noticed, to their further surprise, that in this harvested poppy region, the latex was stored not in pots of water, as was the practice in the east, but in containers filled with linseed oil. Had curiosity compelled them to visit a production facility, they would have been astonished to find themselves not in a huge fortress of a factory, like those of Patna or Ghazipur, but in a small shed, filled with flat cakes laid out to dry in the shade.’

In Ghosh's non-fiction style, research combines with storytelling. While tracing opium’s history, the author exposes the truth behind capitalism. Each chapter offers captivating narratives. To sum up, Ghosh's book delves into the depths of opium history, its detailed research and compelling prose lingering. A recommended read!

About the Author 

Amitav Ghosh was born in Calcutta in 1956. He studied in Dehra Dun, New Delhi, Alexandria and Oxford and his first job was at the Indian Express newspaper in New Delhi. He earned a doctorate at Oxford before he wrote his first novel, which was published in 1986.

The Circle of Reason won the Prix Medicis Etranger, one of France's top literary awards, and The Shadow Lines won the Sahitya Akademi Award and the Ananda Puraskar. The Calcutta Chromosome won the Arthur C. Clarke Award for 1997 and The Glass Palace won the Grand Prize for Fiction at the Frankfurt International e-Book Awards in 2001. The Hungry Tide won the Hutch Crossword Book Prize in 2006. In 2007 Amitav Ghosh was awarded the Grinzane Cavour Prize in Turin, Italy. Amitav Ghosh has written for many publications, including the Hindu, The New Yorker and Granta, and he has served on the juries of several international film festivals, including Locarno and Venice. He has taught at many universities in India and the USA, including Delhi University, Columbia, the City University of New York and Harvard. He no longer teaches and is currently writing the next volume of the Ibis Trilogy.

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July 03, 2023

Behind Latticed Marble: Inner Worlds of Women by Jyotirmoyee Devi Sen | Translated from Bengali: Apala G. Egan | Niyogi Books


Title: Behind Latticed Marble: Inner Worlds of Women
Author: Jyotirmoyee Devi Sen
Translated from Bengali: Apala G. Egan
Publisher: Niyogi Books (2023)
Genre: Literature, Translated Fiction 
Pages: 216, Paperback
ISBN-13:  978-9391125332
Buy the Book: Amazon 

Jyotirmoyee Devi Sen’s Behind Latticed Marble is a collection of 10 intriguing tales, originally written in Bengali, and translated into English by Apala G. Egan. It offers a glimpse into the life of women behind closed doors – the life of royal harems - in early 20th-century Rajasthan. Set against the backdrop of Rajput grandeur, these narratives resonate with contemporary issues as well.

Through the timeless stories, Sen presents a nuanced perspective on struggles, social expectations, and the nature of human interaction, especially between men and women within this particular setting.

Each story sheds light on the gender and caste norms that restricted their experience. In the first story, ‘Beneath the Aravalli Hills’, a young girl from a village mysteriously vanishes into the city and finds herself in the harem, and at last dies in prison. This is an unsettling tale where the father sells his own daughter.

‘Sell my daughter? Did I not raise her all these years? It costs money to feed and clothe children? Why should His Highness get her for free?’   

In the story, ‘The Child Bride’ we witness the tragic journey of a young widow and an unjust act of her in-laws. ‘Kesar was widowed, shortly afterward, her husband’s brothers and his second wife sent the young woman on a long visit to her stepmother’s home. She would recover from grief better there, they indicated. They also said, ‘Leave your jewellery in our family vault. It will be safe here…’ As a result, Kesar endures a life of utter poverty, she serves along with other impoverished widows at Vrindavan.  

‘The Princess Baby’ delves into the theme of dowry, whereas, ‘The Queen and the Concubine’ explores the challenges faced by women living in the harem, as well as those living in the palaces. These stories reflect on the present society and prompt readers to ponder upon the battles yet to be fought.

Born into a prosperous upper caste family in Jaipur, Jyotirmoyee Devi married at young age and widowed by 25, she returned to her mayaka and embarked on a prolific writing career. Despite not pursuing a formal education, she found solace in her grandfather’s library.  

‘Behind Latticed Marble’ contains 10 translated stories, each of which had previously been published in international journals and gained recognition. Apala G. Egan brilliantly captures the essence of Sen’s work. Seamless prose allows readers to fully immerse in the vibrant world of Rajasthan.  

With its timeless themes, this collection provides a unique insight. An important read.


About the Author

JYOTIRMOYEE DEVI SEN was born in 1894, in the kingdom of Jaipur, during the time of the British Raj in India. Her grandfather, who had emigrated there from Bengal, rose to the position of dewan, or prime minister, to the Maharaja of Jaipur. The lives of the queens and concubines in the royal harems made a deep impression on her. She married Kiran Chandra Sen of Guptipara, Bengal, who passed away during the influenza pandemic of 1918. Returning with her children to her parents' home, she wrote under the pen name Jyotirmoyee Devi during her long widowhood. Jyotirmoyee Devi Sen is among the earlier women writers of modern Bengal, when most women were not allowed educational opportunities. She won the prestigious Rabindra Puraskar for Bengali writing and her work is part of the Women's Studies curriculum at Jadavpur University, Kolkata.


About Translator

APALA G. EGAN grew up in India and currently lives in the US. She is fluent in Bengali and English and also speaks Hindi. A former community college instructor in the United States, she devotes her time to translating and writing. She has attended the Community of Writers Conference, formerly named 'Community of Writers at Squaw Valley', where she was awarded the Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston Scholarship.


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June 26, 2023

Book Review: The Witch in the Peepul Tree by Arefa Tehsin


Title: The Witch in the Peepul Tree 
Author: Arefa Tehsin
Publisher: HarperCollins India (2023)
Genre: Contemporary Literature, Mystery
Pages: 344
ISBN-13:  978-9356992405
Buy the Book: Amazon

‘The Witch in the Peepul Tree’ is a genre-bending tale that unfolds within the course of a single day. It immerses readers in a captivating world of mystery and darkness. It sets in the enchanting city of Udaipur, Rajasthan. 

The story begins with the introduction of an old peepul tree. It unravels the labyrinthine plot, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy, and plunging readers into a shadowy world, they never knew existed.

From the pov of Ahad, Dada Bhai’s son, ‘From the jharokha on the front wall above the main entrance, he could see the peepul tree outside. Every time his aunts visited, they swore that the jeevti dakkan-the living witch-danced under it, long after the lamps were dimmed and the night was dark as a clogged drain. They said she was invisible during the day, hanging upside down in the tree. Perhaps she lay suspended right now, giving him a secret, saw- toothed smile.’

As the book delves deeper into the enigma of the murder, eventually more characters come into spotlight. From a young Bhil Nathu to the attractive night soil worker Parijat, each individual adds another layer to the story, keeping readers guessing at their identities. Also, skillful characterization creates an atmosphere of constant tension, making every twist and turn all the more exhilarating.

‘Parijat preferred to walk through the brass utensils and clothing shops, not those of grains and spices. The upper castes didn't want her ilk close to their uncooked fare. She was polluted by birth. Her proximity could foul their food. Her touch, their frail purity.’

Udaipur, with its rich history and mystical aura, serves as the perfect backdrop for this dark tale . On Makar Sankranti in the year 1950, the lifeless body of Sanaz, a sixteen-year-old, is found in her father Dada Bhai's residence in Bohrawadi. The setting itself becomes a character, its hidden secrets seep into the narrative, adding an air of palpable mystery and vivid descriptions transport the reader through the winding lanes and history. 

What sets ‘The Witch in the Peepul Tree’ apart is its ability to seamlessly blend multiple genres. It traverses the realms of mystery and psychological thriller, often leaving readers uncertain of what lies around the next corner. The narrative employs a gripping structure, jumping between characters and perspectives, further heightening the suspense.  For instance, the widow Sugra, who rolls a rosary and wishes for the jeevti dakkan to be her secret ally.

‘She swore she had seen the jeevti dakkan there on a few nights; a dark shadow flitting purposefully between the branches when everyone was drunk on sleep. Sugra wanted to make her acquaintance—a powerful, supernatural ally who was not weighed down by human morality.’

As the day progresses, the story takes a chilling turn, delving into the darker recesses of human nature and the price one must pay for unearthing secrets. 

‘Tapan's path of progression was laid clearly before him, he had to reach the top. And now, Dada Bhai's daughter Sanaz's mysterious murder presented him an opportunity to rise in the ranks in this new epoch, which was the offspring of the forced marriage of the princely states into a nation.’ The author's atmospheric prose evokes a sense of impending doom.

In conclusion, ‘The Witch in the Peepul Tree’ is an enthralling journey, with its immersive setting, and intriguing characters. If this genre interests you, then it can definitely be your next weekend read. 

About the Author

Arefa Tehsin is the author of several fiction and non-fiction books, both for children and adults, and contributes columns and features (to various national dailies and magazines like The Indian Express, The Hindu, Deccan Herald, Outlook, The Wire and The Times of India. Her books have been taken up as textbooks and supplementary readers in schools in India and Sri Lanka.

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April 25, 2023

Book Review: Change Your Habits Change Your Life by Ashdin Doctor

Title: Change Your Habits Change Your Life
Author: Ashdin Doctor
Publisher: HarperCollins India
Genre: Self-help
Paperback: 208 Pages
ISBN-13 :  978-9356295384
Buy the Book: Amazon link

“Change Your Habits Change Your Life” by Ashdin Doctor is a thought-provoking and practical book that explores the valuable principles of habit formation and provides guidance for creating positive change in one's life. Through engaging storytelling and insightful analysis, the book emphasizes the importance of consistency, practice, and creating systems that work for us. At the end of each section, it offers actionable strategies for reshaping our habits.

Ashdin presents a three-golden-rules process for habit change, which includes – Make it stupidly small, Make it extra easy, and Never miss two days in a row. He explains how we could break up habits that no longer serve us and then substitute a new routine that satisfies the same craving.

One of the book's most compelling sections is the role of practice, Practice is a powerful tool that enables individuals to improve their skills and abilities. Consistent practice leads to mastery and expertise and individuals can overcome obstacles, developing perseverance.

Ashdin argues that habits are not about the goal alone, habits are about the journey.  The daily practice of positive habits can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of purpose. He suggests that, instead of relying on sheer willpower, we can create a “system" that has a positive ripple effect on other areas of our lives. For example, by establishing a regular exercise routine, we have more focus throughout the day. 

Besides this, it highlights the role of an accountability partner, by providing support and encouragement, a partner can help individuals stay committed to their goals. This book points out that staying within your comfort zone limits your potential and pushing yourself too far beyond your comfort zone can lead to burnout. You can expand your capabilities by gradually stretching your comfort zone.  It insists that habit tracking is a powerful tool for monitoring progress and identifying areas for improvement. Along with this, setting a clear intention is crucial in the process of habit change. Intention directs focus to take action toward their desired outcome.

Basically, we all have habits we wish to alter. As a personal habit coach, Ashdin shares numerous analogies and relatable instances from his life account, whether you're looking to break a bad habit or establish a new one, this book can be helpful.

Overall, " Change Your Habits Change Your Life" is a fascinating and practical book that offers a wealth of insights and strategies. It is written in an engaging and accessible style that makes complex concepts easy to understand, and it ended with five success stories that bring the ideas to life.

About the Author

Ashdin Doctor is a Mumbai-based popular habit coach who has been transforming the lives of many who feel stuck by creating habits that can be easily incorporated into daily life. He is the founder of Awesome 180, a habit coaching programme. He also hosts a popular podcast, The Habit Coach.


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