September 07, 2015

Book Review : Mrs. Funnybones by Twinkle Khanna

Title: Mrs Funnybones
Author: Twinkle Khanna
Genre: Non-Fiction
Publisher: Penguin Books
Pages: 240
Rating: 5/5

Spot-on, she addresses pressing matters, in a light-hearted, breezy manner without coming off as a preachy martyr’ - Huffington Post

After writing myriads of articles, Twinkle Khanna aka Mrs Funnybones is going to launch herself as author.’ And twitter was bombarded with this news past days. I was like she is Mrs. Khiladi, She can do anything, anything means writing?

Frankly speaking I never took a risk to read her columns on TOI and when I heard that news, I hastily clicked on her blog, her sharp whimsical writing entangled me for a while and I put a bookmark on it.

So Mrs. Funnybones I appreciate your work whole heartedly. When world is full of chaos, news media is full of Rapes, Robbery, Wars. You came up with a thought of ‘Let’s Make Everyone Smile’ and Congratulations. You Accomplished. At least in my case, I almost bit my fingers to stop those giggles while digging your funnybones.

Basically this book provides a magical camera in your hands to peer into some not so celebrity but an Indian woman's life, she worries about her prodigal son, she sensed just like a ordinary daughter-in-law and perform all rituals, she fights with perverts while jogging, she loved to spend time alone with her man, she also takes advises and try to get some relief by local acupuncture doctor (The most laughable part), she cooks, cleans her house and many jobs. And the most amazing part is she could still able to find world class humor in these local chores. Applause!

It took couple of hours to complete it. It was like someone glued my eyes on the pages or As if I were stopped, someone would have kicked me out from the laughing ride. I’m not going to comment on her writing skills because I loved the way she writes, light heart, her articles flow as waves of breeze. She writes with ease, without being hotch-potch, just plain and simple with loads of witty one-liners. Here 
 I’m presenting some giggling part I laughed at, the most.

About Karwa Chauth - ‘There are 146 countries above us where the men have longer lifespans, and the biggest blow is that even with four wives who don’t fast for them, the Arab men outlive our good old Indian dudes.’

About her antiques-lover mom - She starts giggling and says, ‘I am just joking.’ I tell her, ‘It’s not funny, Mom, and sometimes you really do make stupid mistakes.’ She snorts, ‘That’s true, I made you.

About complaining for her name - My mother found new and unique ways to embarrass me, starting at birth when she decided that naming me Twinkle was a foolproof way of making sure that I would get teased throughout my life, have immigration officers at various airports stare at my passport and shake with hysterical laughter and strangers stalk me with WhatsApp messages like, ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, I hope you get hit by a car!’

About that UnZip incident - The man of the house has a big fat cheque from the denim company and he also has the Padma Shri, while I have the privilege of carving out my place in the history books by taking part in an obscene crime. Blimey!

About Food: Punjabi mother, her son and food form a triad as sacred as Brahma, Mahesh and Vishnu, and cannot be interfered with as I learnt in the early years of my marriage.

About talking with her child:
Him: ‘Mom, can I pack my pepper spray?’
Me: ‘I don’t think you will need it, the teachers are around you 24/7!’
Him: ‘That’s why I need it!’

A message: I ask him “what will you do if something doesn’t work out?’ He says, ‘I will keep trying and never give up!’ and I tell him, ‘No, remember, the only person you can ever change is yourself; after you have done that and you are the best you that you can be, let go. There is always another job, another woman, another best friend. Each day that you persist in a situation where you are miserable is a day wasted on the path that would lead you to happiness.
Give it a try to get some roller coaster ride for your belly. Must Read!

P.s - It's important to mention here, who edited the book. Chiki Sarkar, Great Job!  

About The Author:

Twinkle Khanna, aka Mrs Funnybones, crafts satirical stories and funny fables when she is not running a design business, selling candles or running in circles around her small but rather odd family. She narrowly escaped a gruesome tragedy when Bollywood tried to bludgeon her brain to the size of a pea, but she ducked at the right moment and escaped miraculously unharmed. She is a popular columnist and is a regular contributor to The Times of India and DNA After Hrs. Currently, she is in the process of creating lame jokes like, ‘Why do all Hindu boys worship their mother? Because their religion tells them to worship the cow.’ She firmly believes that nothing in life is sacred except laughter.

Follow her on : Twitter | Facebook | Blog 

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