January 30, 2015

Two Drifting Souls

Photo Credit : Google 

I observe you in moments.
Messy hair on your forehead, veils creases.
Half smile with perplexing eyes
As just-born-kid dreamt at mid night

In the shadow of beaming night lamp
I can write you within pages and more pages.
I can make you stay in four by four white chambers and put a stamp.
Is it okay to trap your identity and embellish reins?
Is it okay to alphabetize you among thin lines?

While I know how does one feels with transected wings.
Would anybody desire to circle up just in one theme?
Would anybody desire to remain wrapped just in one routine?

Let’s take a fair chance
And surprise each other as dripping trance.
I started enjoying silence since I got you whole?
No limitations. No criteria.
Just two drifting souls!  

Ankita Chauhan