November 30, 2014

Book Excerpt : The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma

Title: The Leader Who Had No Title
Author: Robin Sharma
Genre: Self Help, Motivational
Source: Kindle Edition
Publisher: Jaico
Pages: 171
Ratings: 5/5

I read it somewhere that some people act and inspire while few are like mirrors they reflect, reflect the positivity, optimism and give doses of hope to those who needed the most.  Robin Sharma was one of them.  A man with powerful words.

This is not a kind of book, we read and forget.  We can learn something from it, every single day.  The lessons in this book are all about taking ownership of your life. It reminds us that we still have potential to conquer the world.

Here I’m sharing few quotes of his book.

·         I sometimes reflect on the fact that we generally take the people we love the most for granted. Until we lose them. Then we take long, silent walks and pray for a second chance to treat them the way they deserved to have been treated. Please don’t let that sort of regret infect your life.

·         Perhaps one of the best gifts my parents gave me was a love of learning, especially through books. Relentless learning is one of the main traits of an open and powerful person. And an obsessive and ongoing self-education is one of the greatest survival tactics to get through turbulent times.

·         I actually feel quite young. Age is just a state of mind anyway—a label the tribe uses to pigeonhole people and to place limits on all they can be. I choose not to govern my life according to labels
·         We all need to lead where we are planted and shine where we now find ourselves.

·         Embracing uncertainty is a precious gift. Most of us get so scared the moment we face the unknown. We shouldn’t, though. It’s really nothing more than the beginning of an adventure. And our growth coming to get us.

·         Remembering the shortness of life strips away all the distractions of life and reminds us what’s most important. Visiting your mortality reminds you that your months are numbered.

·         Each of us can make the decision to love the work we do and perform it so well that people can’t take their eyes off us.

·         I learned to love literature, great music, and beautiful art. I discovered life’s simplest pleasures are life’s most precious ones.

·         ‘Lucky breaks’ are nothing more than unexpected rewards for intelligent choices we’ve chosen to make.

·         Never play victim! It’s impossible to build a tribute to success on a foundation of excuses.

·         ‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.’ Just go do your work as well as you can humanly do it. The rest will take care of itself.’

·         “And if you stumble a bit along the way, well, that’s all part of the game. You learn to walk by falling. You learn to lead by trying. But every misstep brings you closer to the perfect step. And if people don’t quite understand what you’re up to, why let them bring you down? Great people construct monuments with the stones their critics throw at them, you know. And critics generally criticize you only because, at some level, they care. When they stop saying anything, it’s because you no longer matter to them. It’s when no one criticizes you that you should really be worried.”

·         Leadership really is about closing your ears to the noisy voices of others so you can more clearly hear the mission and call within yourself. Makes me think of the words of Dr. Seuss: ‘Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

·         Most people hide in their shells when the going gets rough. They push away anything that pulls them the least bit out of their comfort zone. And sadly they also push away their chances of growth.  The brave eat their fear before their fear eats them.

·         The secret to moving through hard times is to just keep moving forward. The singer Joan Baez put it perfectly: ‘Action is the antidote to despair.’ In challenging conditions, just stay in movement.

·         Please start working on yourself today, because life waits for no one. It speeds along on its own merry way with your cooperation or without it. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you know must be done today. Tomorrow just might never come. That’s reality.

·         Communing with nature is yet another effective way to get your creative fire burning and keep you excited about achieving great things at work.

·         Do something every day to improve your lifestyle. You only live once, so why not enjoy it completely?

A Must Read and a Time worthy Book!

Author Info: 

ROBIN SHARMA is one of the world's experts on leadership and personal success. The author of eight major international bestsellers, including The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, his mission is to help people and organizations get to world class.