September 04, 2014

Book Excerpt : The Dalai Lama's Cat : David Michie

Title: The Dalai Lama’s Cat
Author: David  Michie
Publication: Hay House
Genre: General Fiction
Source: Kindle Edition
Rating: 4/5

Past Days .. I was reading ‘ The Dalai Lama’s cat ‘ and  learnt something from it .. I just wanted to share it . Worthwhile I think …!

“It is good, very good, to acknowledge a problem with anger,” he continued.
“I’ve been high strung my whole life,” she said.
“Sometimes we know we need to change our behavior. But it requires some sort of shock for us to realize we must change. Starting now.
” “Sì.” Mrs. Trinci gulped down another wave of tears.
“But how?”
 “Begin by considering the advantages of practicing patience and the disadvantages of not practicing it,” the Dalai Lama told her.
 “When one is angry, the first person to suffer is oneself. No one who is angry has a happy, peaceful mind.”
Mrs. Trinci looked at him intently with red-rimmed eyes.
“We also need to think about the impact on others. When we say hurtful things we don’t really mean, we can create deep wounds that can’t be healed. Think of all the rifts between friends and within families, divisions that have led to a complete breakdown in the relationship, all because of a single angry outburst.”
 “I know!” Mrs. Trinci wailed.
 “Next, “Next, we ask ourselves, where is this anger coming from? If the true cause of anger is the fridge or the gas or the lack of raspberries, then why isn’t everyone else angry at these things?

 You see, the anger isn’t coming from out there. It’s coming from our mind. And that is a good thing, because we can’t control everything around us in the world, but we can learn to control our own mind.”